Ambulatory Surgery

Telephone Exchange:

About the Service

Outpatient Surgery has many advantages for the patient, such as the comfort of recovering in an environment known as their own home, a lower rate of complications (wound infections, thrombosis, etc.), personalized and quality care, adequate control of postoperative pain. , preoperative evaluation and adequate and early postoperative control, generally lower cost, etc.

Given this progressive increase in cases resolved on an outpatient basis, it has been shown that the system in which Ambulatory Surgery operates allows surgery to be performed safely for the patient, sometimes more than in a hospital setting.

Clínica Hospital San Fernando has this Ambulatory Surgery service, for the well-being of all our patients who do not require hospitalization but who require a quality and safety service.

Remember that all outpatients must be accompanied by a family member or responsible person.

Ambulatory surgery

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